
17 August 2009

Forgive Me, Readers, For I Have Sinned

It's been more than three months since my last blog post.

No excuse, but it's been a busy three months.

I learned my job had evaporated while I was on maternity leave, three days before my leave ended. So that was fun.

Then The Boy turned 1.

And a good time was had by all...

There was The Weaning, which made me simultaneously joyous and sad. The Boy didn't even notice. (That was the part that made me joyous. And sad.)

There was the beginning of daycare, which The Boy, now known as The Imp of the Perverse, absolutely loves. Which, you know, makes me both joyous. And sad.

There was the end of crawling and the beginning of walking. And the many bruises that accompany the severe listing to starboard inherent in that learning process.

And then, and then...

Then there was the "Hey, I should start my own business one day" which became "Hey there's an EI funded program that could help me start my own business" which morphed to "Hey the deadline for applying to that program is in a couple of weeks." What followed was along the lines of "Hey, I got an interview" and then "Wow, my application's been shortlisted & gone to an independent panel for review." Hard on the heels of that was "Wahoo, I've been accepted into the program!" which today, as I started the first day of ten weeks of classes, became "Hey, check me out, I'm an entrepreneur!"

Remember way back in the mists of history, when I said I'd work free for a clothing designer if money wasn't a concern? Well, I didn't win the lottery but I am working free for a designer.


I'm the designer. I know, crazy! I'm designing children's clothes, starting with a line of funky hats for boys.

The Imp of the Perverse models my first prototype

Today I registered my company name: Chill Monkeys Apparel. It's starting to become really real.

Oh shit. Now I have to actually DO this.


  1. Ooooh, I've missed you! So happy to see you're back.. I checked SO often! Congrats to your little guy on all his milestones... and to you on Chill Monkeys Apparel. Fun name!

  2. That's so exciting! I decided to start my own business while on mat leave and was told I could not get into the program as I have a job to go back to even though I am on EI :( So I am doing it all on my own. Good luck!

  3. Coming from a mom of a boy who can't leave the house without wearing some sort of hat, I'll be first in line!

  4. I love the hat. Seriously cool. Check you out, indeed. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines.

    I feel your pain on the lay-off. Thankfully I had more notice than that, although it sucks all the same. I'm trying to tell myself it will be just the kick I needed to re-invent myself. I hope the same thing for you. :)

  5. Hi Lexi,

    I just caught up on your posts. I am so excited for you about your new business - it's odd but a baby hat-making business was something that I had also considered, as my hubby and I both love hats and could not find any cool hats for our son. (I abandoned the idea because I really don't want to sew, even though I know how) Your prototype there looks great! Good luck and keep us all posted on your business!
