
25 November 2011

Things I'm Doing - In Transit

In transit today, Vancouver to Honolulu via Bellingham. The Imp has made friends with some other kids who have an iPad and Angry Birds, so I am stealing two minutes to type out this quick update on my iPhone. The TSA agents at Bellingham Airport are some of the friendliest I've ever seen. I introduced HWSNBN to Trader Joe's this afternoon, he's already talking about stopping there to stock up on our way home. We start boarding shortly. I've never blogged from my phone before, so I'm going to hit publish while I still can here and hope for the best. Aloha!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You have corrupted him with Trader Joes! If you bring me back some chocolate covered blueberries I will love you forever. (not that I don't already)
