
05 August 2011

Things I'm Doing - Traverse Trip: Day 4

It feels good to be not driving.

Not watching for road signs, not finding rest stops, not filling the gas tank.

Except I'm doing all of those things anyway, metaphorically at least.

The BlogHer experience is overwhelming. I knew this going in; I scheduled some quiet and alone time into the weekend. I didn't seek party invitations or product launches in the weeks leading up to this event. And today I am happy to just be.

I've sat in sessions today and been shown road signs: Why do you blog? What do you want to get out of blogging? What are your goals?

I blog because I can't not write. I want to tell my story, flawed as it may be. I want to know that there are others who have been there: alcoholism, triumph, identity crisis, motherhood. I want to leave a record for my son, so that he might know one day who I am, what I'm afraid of, what I love.

I've found some rest stops.

I hosted the Serenity Suite for an hour. I'll do it again tomorrow. I've had the opportunity to speak one on one, if ever so briefly, with some bloggers I admire greatly.

I've filled the gas tank.

I've sat in sessions and wept at the resonances. I've looked at these women, these smart, funny, accomplished women who accept me as one of their tribe. I've felt like I belonged.

And that is no small thing.

Full disclosure: GM Canada is providing Karen, Nicole, Tracey and I with a Chevrolet Traverse, insurance, gas, and hotels to make the road trip to San Diego and back. I've paid for my BlogHer ticket and hotel during the conference myself.


  1. I love this post. I am new to your blog and I have enjoyed your road trip. I will continue to read. I really like the metaphors in this post and I really connected to it. I also blog to write. It is my creative outlet. But also my place to leave a record for my kids. Time goes so fast, moments are fleeting and I want to remember the little things that seem to fade as time passes.

  2. Thanks for sending me this post. I hate making decisions. I like fences, I can see both sides and they both look good...however at some point that fence is gonna hurt my ass so i gotta pick a side and jump! Eeeek.

  3. This is reassuring to read. The whole thing is scaring me.
