
11 May 2011

Wednesday of Few Words - Shoes

Yesterday HWSNBN and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. (A year ago, I wrote this, and it's all still true. Just sub in eight for seven.)

It was a quiet, lazy evening at home - after my Spanish class, of course, and after The Imp was asleep. It's a rare thing, but occasionally HWSNBN and I actually get a chance to hang out together. To talk, grownup to grownup. For just a second last night, it almost felt like it did before we became parents.

Then, we walked around the corner and found this:

Yup. We're a family.


  1. Those little converse are so cute. Hope you had a nice day yesterday and enjoyed your quiet time together.

  2. Congrats! I love the little shoelets by the door.
