
27 April 2011

Wednesday of Few Words - Home Again

We landed at YVR this morning at five.


In the morning.

So this is about all I can manage today, through the fog of flying all night and entertaining a routine-disrupted Imp all day.

I just spent five minutes looking through all my vacation photos - only five minutes because there are hardly any photos to look at.

That is seriously unlike me - I'm the person who takes 17 million photos on a walk through my own neighbourhood. I took my camera with me on holiday. I even took more than one lens. Normally I love to take pictures of every significant moment. I love seeing things through the filter of what gets caught through my viewfinder, but somehow this trip wasn't about observing and documenting. It was about doing and being.

So for the most part, I put the camera down.

But one of my favourite moments of our doing and being was a stop at Matsumoto's Store in Hale'iwa for shave ice.

The last full day of our holiday. We look so relaxed and happy!


  1. When are you moving to Hawaii?

  2. Welcome home!

    And I'm glad you put the camera down and just enjoyed. :)

  3. Yea, sometimes the "take a photo!" thing total interrupts real living. Love that shot though. Very old-fashioned and nostalgic already.
