
18 October 2010

Things That Are True: Do It For The Boobies

This has been on my mind, as of late:

So even though I am dealing with The Cold That Will Not Die, there was a bright spot in my overall health picture revealed when I received this letter in the mail today. The mammogram I had two weeks ago came back normal. A bright spot, indeed: when I was 26, my doctor found two lumps in my right breast. The weeks between finding the lumps and getting the ultrasound/mammogram appointment were terrifying. I could think of nothing else; my hand would stray, unbidden, to my breast to try and feel if the lumps had somehow grown in the five minutes since I'd last checked. Ultrasound determined that they were nothing to worry about, and consistent monitoring has reassured me on a regular basis since.

Two of my aunts, one on either side of my family, have survived breast cancer. My cousin was recently diagnosed, has just had surgery, and now begins an exhausting course of chemo and radiation.

In BC, once you turn 40, you don't need to be referred for a screening mammogram. You can just call them up and make your own appointment.

Do it.


  1. Spread the word! Many ladies think that mammograms are just for grandmas or people at risk and that is not the case! It always feel really good to get that notice that things are 'normal'.

  2. My mother-in-law just had a mastectomy. You better believe that I'll be in the clinic as soon as I'm eligible.

  3. I totally know how you feel about that first mammogram. I had one about five years ago that luckily was just a scare, but I've become a fervent advocate of getting mammograms regularly. My most recent one, on Sept. 14 came back clear/normal. Yay!

    Next time you need items for a BC auction, let me know. I'll bake a batch of my BC cookies and send them to you. cheers, mari (You can see this year's here:
