
04 May 2010

Things That Are True - You Know You're a Mom When...

You know you're a mom when you notice you've gotten into the habit of double knotting shoe laces without even realizing it. Your own shoelaces.

You know you're a mom when your initial delight in the game your toddler wants to play with your bare feet quickly turns to dismay that you may be unwittingly setting him up to be a foot fetishist.

You know you're a mom of a toddler when you are no longer capable of completing a full sentence without stopping to admonish your child's behaviour. Even when they're asleep.

Okay, your turn - have at it in the comments!


  1. You know you're a mom when you wonder why the paci isn't going in, until you realize it's your husband's mouth you're trying to shove it into (sadly a true story)

    You know you're a mom of a toddler, when you have no idea what happened on the latest hottest TV show, but you could recite any Elmo's World DVDs word for word.

  2. You know you're a mom when you find yourself cutting the crusts off your own sandwich without thinking.

    You know you're a mom when you find yourself rocking back and forth rhythmically, even when someone else is holding the baby.

  3. You know you're a mom when you reach into your purse and find pacifiers...then animal finally your wallet is empty (because the teenager needed the cash for lunch).

  4. You know you're a mom when you think, "That's not too bad of a snot spot on my shirt" and go to Target without changing because you know it will happen again.

    Oh wait, is that just me?
