
19 April 2010

Things I'm Proud Of - Vancouver's 30 Ultimate Mom Blogs

I'm working on a bunch of posts: Weeks 4-7 of Fit by Forty and a recap of the fun that was VMNO on Saturday among them, but I thought I'd just pause for a second to toot my own horn a tiny little bit.


Wave The Stick has been named one of Vancouver's 30 Ultimate Mom Blogs by Vancouver Mom!

I'm in pretty humbling company - women I admire and want to emulate, who write truthfully and eloquently about their own experiences struggling to adjust to life after becoming a parent, sharing their triumphs, and recognizing the common thread that ties us all together: being able to laugh with one another through the good and the bad. I heartily recommend you check out the other wonderful blogs on the list if you're not familiar with them already. There's a life-enriching wealth of viewpoints and experience there.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


  1. Yay, I'm glad you're on the list! Vancouver mom bloggers rock, yo.

  2. Congrats on making the list!!

    I love the new look. Very fresh.

  3. toot toot! :). And yes the new look is great: clean.

  4. Wow! Congratulations!!

    (Love your new template too-the green is pretty)

  5. Woohooo to you! You so deserve to be there!
