
28 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Riding with the King

My trusty steed, my Fit by Forty champion, my main means of transportation these days. I shall call him King. King shall be his name.

As in "Don't you know you're riding with the King?"

Self-serving announcement: I've been lucky enough to be included on's Favourite Vancouver Mom Bloggers shortlist, and would be honoured if you would consider voting for me here. You don't need to register to vote, just tick the box next to my name and click submit. You can vote once a day until May 6th. Thanks!

This post is part of A Lot of Loves' Wordless Wednesday linkup


  1. King. Good name. Better than Trigger which is what I think I suggested.

  2. You are so cool, and clearly much better at naming things than I am.

  3. I want a bike. So badly.
    There are just so many other priorities first.
