
04 April 2013

Things That Are Awesome - Wave the Stick Has Moved!

Hi all - just a quick post to say that I won't be posting here anymore. I've got new digs at* and they are much spiffier than this old thing. Once some time has passed, I'll likely be shutting this space down - but fear not, all my old ramblings are already over there too. You can bask in the joy of my archives as much as you'd like.

Please join me there - the design work of Schmutzie over at Ninjamatics is so lovely I'm actually inspired to write more.

*If that just brings you back to this page, you may need to clear your browser's cache, which sounds like a pain, but I promise it's worth it to see the new site. I promise!

12 February 2013

Things That are Hard - Letting Go of Fear and Perfectionism

Posting this here for myself, and anyone else who needs a kick to the ass and hasn't seen it yet.

"Perfectionism may look good in his shiny shoes, but he's a little bit of an asshole and no one invites him to their pool parties."
Ze Frank